

concert pianist

Previous Events

03.05.2016, 16:00

Medtner Sonata Romantica op. 53 no.1
Sibelius impromptu op. 5 no. 5
Chopin 12 etudes opus 25

25.09.2016, 16:00

Solo recital
Beethoven Fantasia op.77
Beethoven Sonata op.57
Liszt 12 Transcendental etudes

21.09.2019, 19:00

Felix Blumenfeld Étude for the LH alone, Op.36
Abram Chasins Prelude No.13
Ignaz Friedman Drei Klavierstucke, Op. 33
Ossip Gabrilowitsch Étude for the LH, Op.12/2
Josef Hofmann Charakterskizzen, Op.40
Joseph Holbrooke Rhapsodie-Études, Op.42 nno. 4 & 5
Theodore Leschetizky Trois morceaux, Op. 48
Emil Liebling Concerto polonaise, Op.41
Moritz Moszkowski Melodia appassionata, Op.81/6
La Campanella Paganini-Liszt-Busoni
Rachmaninov Polka de W.R.
Emil Sauer "Vision"
Theodore-Szanto Troisième étude orientale
Constantin Sternberg Etude

17.02.2023, 19:00

Duo rectial with Aleksey Semenenko (violin)

27.12.2023, 16:00

Rachmaninoff 24 Preludes

29.05.2024, 16:00

Solo recital

29.05.2024, 19:00

Solo recital

15.12.2024, 19:00

Solo recital
Chopin, Liszt