

concert pianist

Upcoming Events

20.02.2025, 18:30

Chopin 24 Etudes

20.02.2025, 20:00

Chopin 24 Etudes

28.02.2025, 19:00

Beethoven Concerto no. 5 with Banatul Philharmonic Orchestra & Delyana Lazarova

14.03.2025, 19:00

Schumann Piano Concerto with Cumhurbaşkanlığı Senfoni Orkestrası & Vladimir Fanshil

23.03.2025, 19:00

Shor "Travel notebook" with Munich Dacapo Philharmieorchester

Previous Events

21.04.2016, 20:00

Alexei Kurbatov Poem (2015)
Medtner Sonata Romantica, op.53 no. 1
Balakirev Islamey
Ibert Excerpts from "Petite suite"
Chopin 12 etudes op. 25

10.04.2016, 17:00

Ravel "A boat on the ocean" from "Mirrors"
Saint-Saens Cello sonata with Eugeny Rumyantsev, cello

07.04.2016, 18:30

Liszt 12 Transcendental etudes
Rachmaninoff Elegie opus 3
Tchaikovsky - Rachmaninoff Lullaby
Rachmaninoff Sonata No.2 (2nd version)

06.04.2016, 18:00

Liszt 12 Transcendental etudes
Rachmaninoff Elegie opus 3
Tchaikovsky - Rachmaninoff Lullaby
Rachmaninoff Sonata No.2 (2nd version)

01.04.2016, 19:00

Schumann Violin Sonata op.105
Stravinsky Divertimento for violin and piano with Ivan Pochekin
Chopin 12 etudes op.25

18.03.2016, 19:00

Debussy "Black and White"
"Rite of Spring"
Desyatnikov "Towards Swan"
Adams "Hallelujah Junction"
with Lukas Geniusas

16.03.2016, 20:30

Vsevolod Zaderatsky Prelude and Fugue in D Major
Medtner Sonata Romantica, op.53 no. 1
Balakirev Islamey
Liszt 12 Transcendental etudes

14.03.2016, 20:00

Vsevolod Zaderatsky Prelude and Fugue in D Major
Medtner Sonata Romantica, op.53 no. 1
Balakirev Islamey
Liszt 12 Transcendental etudes

10.03.2016, 19:00

Shostakovich Quintet op. 57 with New Russian Quartet

09.03.2016, 18:30

Medtner Sonata Romantica, op.53 no. 1
Balakirev Islamey
Sibelius opus 85 no. 1, 3, 4; opus 75 no. 2, 4, 5; impromptu opus 5 no.5
Chopin 12 etudes op. 25